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First Year

Course Code: PGS/UND/DBM04
Course Level: Undergraduate (First Year)
Study mode: Online
Duration: Full-time (6-12 Months)


Developing a range of personal skills is crucial for success in the world of business. Three key areas to focus on are communication, leadership, and decision-making techniques.

Communication is the key to effective operations and working efficiently with others. Throughout this module, learners will grasp a range of communication techniques used for various commercial purposes.

Explore external factors that may impact the business and its operations. This includes examining economic trends, international dimensions, the business environment, and competitive dynamics.

Exploring and using the marketing mix as part of the business planning process.

This module looks at employees and people as a business’ most valuable asset. Recruit the best, reward the best and retain the best.

Explore the various theories and models of management and their different contexts.

What is meant by culture? Why is it important? How does it differ between organisations?

This module looks at customers as the fulcrum of any business.

On completion of this module, learners will understand accounts and how they can be used to give insight into the health of the organisation.

In this module, learners will compare and contrast examples of both good and bad financial decision-making and analyse their respective impacts on the business.

Second Year

Course Code: PGS/UND/DBM05
Course Level: Undergraduate (Second Year)
Study mode: Online
Duration: Full-time (6-12 Months)


What is an entrepreneur? Examine the skills and qualities of entrepreneurship.

Why are organisations structured in the way they are? What determines the optimum structure and how does it differ between organisations? In this module, learners will look at the numerous models and theories that make up organisational structure.

Learners will complete exercises in accounts throughout this module to understand what they are telling us and the actions that analysis can precipitate.

What is the business trying to achieve? What will it do? How will it do it? This module focuses on the creation of clear goals and clear plans to achieve a clear objective.

Impact of politics on business and how it may help or hinder business. This module will educate learners on economic impact, exports and government support.

Explore the statutory responsibilities of managers as learners look into the legalities of business and business executives.

Business in the modern world. This module focuses on governance and equality as a means to do right in business.

By comprehending how both your personnel and your business can continuously enhance together, learners will evaluate reward structures, Continuing Professional Development (CPD), training, and development to ensure high performance in business.

Learners will analyze how markets, customers, competitors, and products can integrate into a cohesive plan.

Upon successful completion of this module, learners will possess knowledge of numeric exercises and understand their application within the context of business operations.

Choose Your Course Option

Undergraduate - Diploma in Business Management (Level 4 & 5)


Package Includes

  • University 1st Year (Level 4) Full Course Materials and Assignments
  • University 2nd Year (Level 5) Full Course Materials and Assignments
  • Also includes
    Unlimited tutor support
  • Recognised Ofqual Qualification
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Undergraduate - Diploma in Business Management (Level 4)


Package Includes

  • University 1st Year (Level 4) Full Course Materials and Assignments
  • Also includes
    Unlimited tutor support
  • Recognised Ofqual Qualification
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Undergraduate - Diploma in Business Management (Level 5)


Package Includes

  • University 2nd Year (Level 5) Full Course Materials andAssignments
  • Also includes
    Unlimited tutor support
  • Recognised Ofqual Qualification
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